Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another day at Grammy's

July 20, 2009 Um - um good!
Trowbridge's still has the best ice cream in town!

Reading a book with Mom out on the deck.

Lucy's new purse.
Today Maddox and Lucy were supposed to have a fun day at MOPS Day Camp, followed by a trip to the doctor's office for a 1 yr. and 2 yr. check-up. It wasn't that they didn't feel so good as much as they didn't look so good unless someone followed them around wiping their noses every 3 - 5 minutes that caused us to miss both appointments. Mom to the rescue! What fun things Mom can think up! I wish I could have gotten to my camera fast enough to snap a picture of Lucy and Mom "loading" her new purse. She has: a cell phone, a compact, an empty pill container (she's most proud of that, since she feels that is a real "no-no"!), and for good measure, a copy of The Upper Room, a little daily devotion book. I can not tell you how many times today this little one has loaded and unloaded this purse! Periodically, she takes out her Upper Room and tries to share a devotion (loudly!) with her brother. We have laughed and laughed at this funny little one. She's a nut!

Our little lady

"Hello, Mama?"
Lucy loves talking on the phone! She loves walking and talking on the phone!
Wonder who she's seen do that? Not her Grammy.......and surely not her Mama!

Still talking...................

Dare we even try to imagine what this girl's gonna be like in 12 or 14 years?

Little Mama
I continue to watch in awe as these babies choose their toys. When my girls grew up, our house was pretty much stocked with "girl" toys.......not so here.........both my house and the babies' house in Killen are full of toys for both boys and girls. I am fascinated by how Lucy is now chosing toys that are more related to little girls and Maddox is still gravitating toward his cars and balls. He checks out Lucy's purses and babies, but, try as he might, he just can't seem to see what fun she sees in them. I will confess, it makes me kinda happy........it cuts down on the "toy snatching".............

I will get a better shot of this "walk" that Lucy has taken to. It is an exact replica of the way my Papa.......Lucy's great-great granddaddy walked! Nolan noticed her walking this way last night. She strolls through the house, looking first one way and then the other, with both hands folded behind her! How funny!

This boy does love the bean bag chairs!

Is this my baby boy of yesterday?

If it has a handle and even resembles a purse, this girl loves it! In addition to her regular purse, she has now added this Robeez bag to her ensemble.

Two are better than one!

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