Thursday, January 7, 2010


December 18, 2009Today Courtney and I were watching the children play and decided to put the boys back-to-back to see how much taller Sterling is than Maddox. Still a bit, but the 4 month head start Sterling has on Maddox is closing up pretty quickly.
Ella had to join them

As you can see, when they're a bit apart they really look a lot the same height.
Baby Sister Lucy was napping when this back-to-backness took place or, trust me, she'd have been right in the midst of it! Saying that, I must include her one day soon in such a picture: she is hot on the heels of these older siblings! Becky called me the other day and said, "Mama, Lucy and Maddox are the same height!" I said, "No, they're really not, but until you put them back-to-back they sure look like it!
Quads! I love it!!

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