Sunday, May 31, 2009

Max, the swinger

July 31, 2007

Now he's a swinger! Becky went in on Monday morning, and the NICU nurses had set a swing up by Max's bed. They said he was bored and fussy when he was awake sometimes, so they brought the swing for him. He loves it! Becky and Todd are so happy! Their little boy is up and swinging!
After she fed him she put him in it and she said it was no time until he was asleep.
Becky and I had a busy day yesterday. We went to tour Little Angel (weren't impressed with the facilities but the people were very nice), then went on to Muscle Shoals High School to work in Becky's room. Oh my goodness! What an overwhelming task! set a room up, learn all new curriculum, and run back and forth to Huntsville overpowered me (and I'm not even the teacher!). Everyone we met there was super nice; turns out Nolan went to Jr. High with Mr. Noah, the principal, and Becky's dad graduated from Bradshaw in the same class as he! Small world (or just small towns, huh?). Anyway, Becky is very happy to be there; can't wait, but dreads it too............she is very afraid of 10th graders.
While we were working, and intermittently convincing ourselves that Little Angel would be fine for a few hours Tuesday-Friday, Becky's cell phone rang and I saw her look at the number and almost not answer it because she didn't recognize the number. She did answer and it was Muscle Shoals First Methodist Daycare, who she had called last Friday and was told there were no openings there. They had an opening!! Why are we surprised at such things as that after all that has gone on these past few weeks? I don't know, but we constantly go around shaking our heads in awe of how God is paving the way in everything that is happening. We left Becky's room to go to First Methodist, took a tour (I was very impressed!), Becky quickly paid the registration fee, and Max is officially enrolled. Now all we have to do is spring him from the hospital so he can go and meet his new friends in Muscle Shoals. He won't get to start even if he gets out of the hospital until August 14, when he is 6 weeks old. There was a little girl there that was 8 weeks old and she seemed happy as could be. Max will only be there from 7:30 - 11:30, so Becky feels real good about it. He will be less than 3 minutes away from her (literally just around the block!).
The "crown" you see on top of Max's head is the port where they do the transfusions. Rather than continue to stick him every time, they just leave that in his head. Doesn't seem to bother him one bit............makes me happy to know they are not sticking him so much.
Next we'll try him out in his "buzzy" seat!

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